Stanford Badge

Stanford Badge

Friday, 5 December 2014

S6's Form Assembly

On the 1st December S6 did our form assembly on mythical creatures. We did about how tales and stories can tell morals and teach you lessons. For example, King Midas wished for everything he touched to turn to gold. As he wished, Dionysus, the god, granted his wish and let everything he touched to turn to gold. Once King Midas had had his wish for a couple of days he wanted to change it. Everything he touched turned to gold including his food, drink and even his daughter.

Dionysus told him that if he wanted to undo his wish he would have to wash his hands in the River Pactolus. Midas did so and when he returned home ever thing had become normal.

From then on he was a better person, generous and grateful for all goods of his life.

By Briar Darlington


  1. Very Interesting Briar

  2. Loved the video! from K3

  3. Well done S6 - it was a great assembly!
    Miss Mitchell
