Stanford Badge

Stanford Badge

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Year 7 Netball Tournament

On Wednesday the school netball team played in a tournament at NCHS. We played 7 teams in total. We came 4th out of the seven teams which is good for our first tournament. Miss Plant was pleased to hear the results and Mrs Dale came along to watch us.

Becky Ault S11

Monday, 9 March 2015

Swimming Sensation!

Greg Butler, S11, has begun to compete in international swim meets, one being in Berlin in which he took part in last weekend. Greg trains both before and after school for 2-3 hours, 7 days a week, he trains with the world record holder for 50m breaststroke. He does this in Derby and at Loughborough University; he currently holds the British record for 200m breaststroke in his age group, with a time of 2:25:86.

Greg is now waiting for the England talent competition in Moscow, Russia to be rescheduled. This was unfortunately cancelled. 

We all hope to see Greg in more international competitions in the future. It is a pleasure to have such a high achiever in our college. Well done Greg.

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day!

Red Nose Day is a Comic Relief fundraiser and is extremely popular worldwide. I particularly enjoy it and love red noses and their random flair.


Since its launch in 1988, Red Nose Day has become something of a British institution. It’s the day, every two years, when people across the land can get together and do something funny for money at home, school and work. From 1988 till 1999, the red noses remained faceless, just red and shiny.

 Then in 2001, the red noses grew faces, which increased in their popularity. From then on, the red noses became more and more obscure until in 2015 they came in packets, a mystery to behold in each one. There are even rumours of golden red noses, which give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go on a trip somewhere.

There’s a fantastic night of TV on the BBC, with comedy and entertainment to inspire the nation to give generously. Comic Relief spends the money raised by Red Nose Day to help people living tough lives across the UK and Africa. 

By Heather Meldrum S4